Registered charity number: 1160989
Left to right: Fine & Country Leamington Spa team: Jonathan Handford (Managing Director), Henry Lacey, Nicola Moore, Mark Griffiths and (front) Mattie Heaven (all are Partner Agents). Sleep outs are tough, cold, uncomfortable and exhausting. They raise awareness of the difficulties experienced while sleeping rough, without replicating it. Helping Hands Community Project added a new twist to conventional sleep outs: the location was a surprise. We asked Lianne Kirkman, CEO of Helping Hands why they wouldn’t reveal the location of the event. Lianne explained: “One of the toughest things about being homeless is the uncertainty of where you will lay your head each night. Our clients experience fear and anxiety each night, made even worse during the cold and wet months of the year. We wanted to make our sleep out stand out against previous years and replicate this feeling for our participants.” Mattie Heaven, volunteer staff and Partner Agent fro...
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