May 2018 trek: Our time in the village, Thangpalkot1

May 2018 trek: Our time in the village, Thangpalkot1

Laughter, tears and village life.

Scroll down to find out about our next adventure to Nepal and sign up today!

It was the adventure of a lifetime and 10 days that our trekkers will never forget. The trek ended in the remote hillside village called Thangpalkot1, Nepal. The 14 trekkers spent three days in the village and met the families whose houses they are funding with the support and donations from family, friends and members of the public who follow our story.

Charlotte Schofield, Foundation and PR Coordinator, said: “I loved our hiking experience, getting to know my fellow trekkers and helping each other through the walk. It was our time in the village, however which will stay with us forever. 

“The look on the villagers’ faces when they met the people who are helping to fund their new houses will stay with all of us forever. There were smiles, laughter and plenty of tears from everyone.”

The people were so welcoming and the children were ran around with excitement. The location school organised an assembly for the trekkers with a special prize giving. “It was amazing to see how proud the children were to receive their prizes following their recent exams.

“You have to see it yourself to appreciate how wonderful the village and its residents are,” said Charlotte.

Take a look at the trekkers’ favourite moments from our May Nepal journey…


Your chance to get involved: 23rd October - 2nd November 2018
Join us on our next expedition to Nepal from. Sign up today!

Download our information pack here. The pack includes everything you need to know including: schedule, kit lists, costs and application forms. 

We will do the same route as our trek in May: three-day non-altitude hike through national parks, up mountains and along valleys. You do not need to be an experienced walker to take part, but we do ask for a basic level of fitness. 

For more information and to return your application form, please contact or call +44 (0)20 3368 8221. 

27th Jul 2018

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