One foot in front of the other: Matthew Pryke conquers the Gobi March

One foot in front of the other: Matthew Pryke conquers the Gobi March

The Gobi March is arguably the most challenging event that anyone has embarked on for the Fine & Country Foundation. Seven marathons over six days is tough enough, but to add to the challenge, the course is set in the unpredictable and varied terrain of the Gobi Desert in China. Our brave volunteer was Matthew Pryke, Trustee of the Fine & Country Foundation. 4Deserts, who organised the event, gave us live updates each day and Matthew has a short amount of time each evening to contact us to let us know how he was getting on. To see how each day unfolded click here. We are incredibly proud of Matthew who has raised £3,715 and counting. To show your support for Matthew and help us reduce homelessness please click here. Matthew’s aim is to raise £3,500 for End Youth Homelessness. This is a national partnership formed of nine homeless charities who are fighting to end homelessness for people aged between 16 and 25. The scheme has made incredible progress so far a...

3rd Jul 2017
Toughest adventure yet: The Gobi March
This is the toughest and most dangerous challenge that anyone has embarked on for the Fine & Country Foundation to date. The Gobi March,...
20th Jun 2017
Matthew Pryke faces Ironman Kalmar, Sweden
Fine & Country's Matthew Pryke partook in his first Ironman challenge in Sweden on 20th August, 2016. The challenge involved:1. 2.4...
9th Aug 2016
Donate to Sean Newman's Ironman Frankfurt Challenge
Congratulations to our agents Sean and Tyler Newman for running the Frankfurt Ironman in July and raising £1,500 for homeless charity Hope4!...
5th Feb 2016
Homeless teenage girls in Bangladesh
A team from Fine & Country have raised a great amount of money for Action Aid in Bangladesh.Thanks to many generous donations, the...
13th Jan 2016

Registered charity number: 1160989

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